We've been making a few things lately out of left over boxes and cartons and a lot of sticky tape. (robots, owls, a coffee machine) I got the idea for this marble run from a great idea on the
Made by Joel site called Cereal Box Marble Run. He has such great ideas that are really easy to make with little kids and often with bits and pieces found around the house. I love his site for a bit of inspiration in creative play and making things.
The marble run was really easy to make and provided lots of entertainment. Our one is a bit wonky but it still worked! Even my 18th month old was interested and had a great time when his brother wasn't around!
Large Ball run from a happy wanderer.com |
I saw this fabulous ball run on pinterest and repinned it to my site. (follow me on pinterest
here) It's from the site
a happy wanderer , which had instructions on how to make it as well as other interesting crafty ideas. We just need a much bigger box than a cereal box!